Katarina Bogdanović – the Path of an Avant-garde Intellectual Woman (Part II)


  • Lela Vujošević Универзитет у Крагујевцу




critical education, anarchism, feminism, politics, atheism


In the second part of my text about the famous intellectual woman Katarina Bogdanović (1885–
1969), I analyze her diary notes and other archive materials showing that she was constantly in search
of her true self and the limits of her freedom, engaged in an incessant examination of the existing state
of society and social relations, all the while opposing the hierarchical and unquestioningly proclaimed
authority: the patriarchy, educational establishments, political institutions, and the institution of the
church and marriage. As a critical observer of the world and her role in it since her early youth, Katarina
Bogdanović actively participated in cultural and social life, but simultaneously she was also creating a
parallel world, thus using the mission and privilege given to philosophers and writers to anticipate or
predict particular social phenomena and influence youth education, the formation of youth worldview,
and the development of political culture in their environments.

Author Biography

Lela Vujošević, Универзитет у Крагујевцу

Lela Vujošević (Belgrade, 1966) is a sociologist. She has participated in numerous research projects and scientific conferences in Serbia and abroad. She has published two monographs and a few dozen texts in scientific and professional journals from the field of sociology, feminism, historiography, university problematics, and culture studies. Her selected papers can be found on the following link: https://independent.academia.edu/LelaVujosevic. She lives in Kragujevac and works at the University of Kragujevac. She is involved in charity work. She has been active in the cultural and public life of the city and publishes reports, and comments in various print and electronic media.



How to Cite

Vujošević, L. (2023). Katarina Bogdanović – the Path of an Avant-garde Intellectual Woman (Part II). Knjiženstvo, Journal for Studies in Literature, Gender and Culture, 9(9). https://doi.org/10.18485/knjiz.2019.9.9.1